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What A-levels do you need to study business?

To study a business degree at university, it's important that your A-level line-up ticks admissions tutors’ boxes…

Business studies and similar subjects such as accountancy and management are popular degrees that are normally open to you with any A-levels. However, certain A-level choices will help prepare you for business at degree level, and could give you an edge over other applicants.

The following requirements also apply to degrees in accountancy, finance, banking and management.

Essential A-levels (or equivalent)

  • None (very occasionally maths for management degrees).

Useful A-levels (or equivalent)

  • Maths.
  • Business studies (AGCE, National and Diploma).
  • Economics.

Other typical A-levels taken by current business students

  • IT and computing.
  • General studies.
  • Geography.
Take a look at individual business courses on The Uni Guide to find out the most popular A-levels, BTECs or Highers subjects students studied before going on to take a business degree.

Do note that many degrees will be open to you whichever A-levels you choose. Some courses will be happy with a subject just at AS-level while some courses may want the full A-level - something to check before you finalise your A-level choices in Year 12.

Similar subject areas...

Similar subjects may have slightly different A-level requirements to business studies, so if you want to keep your degree options open, check entry requirements before making your choices.


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