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Clearing 2025: how to call universities

Calling universities is a key part of the Clearing process. Here's how to be ready

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What universities want to hear on a Clearing phone call
Preparing for your Clearing call
What questions can you expect when you call a university during Clearing?
What questions should you be asking when you call a university through Clearing?
Your Clearing call checklist


If you're looking to get a university offer in Clearing, you can expect to make a few phone calls. These conversations are where you can tell the university all about yourself and your interest in their course, as well as asking a few questions of your own.

Sometimes, Clearing calls can be very straightforward. The conversation might involve little more than confirming your grades and checking there's still a spot available on the course you're interested in. That was the case for one engineering student at Aston University: "I called them, told them about my qualifications and got a place in less than 15 minutes."

​​​​​​On the other hand, you may find you need to answer some more questions designed to test your suitability for the course. For a tourism student from London South Bank University, there was a bit more involved in bagging a Clearing place: "I had a 30-minute telephone call which included filling out the application form and an informal interview."

In this article, we'll take a closer look at what universities want to hear when you phone them up in Clearing and we'll outline some common questions (and answers) to help you visualise what to expect.

What is Ucas Clearing? Read our full guide to Clearing to find out how the process works and what you can do to stay a step ahead. 

What universities want to hear on a Clearing phone call

Before you call a university in Clearing, you'll want to be sure you have the grades needed for the course entry requirements. However, it's not only your exam results that universities will want to hear about.

“While making the required grades is important, showing genuine enthusiasm when asked what course you’re interested in can help you stand out," says Dan Barcroft, director of admissions at the University of Sheffield. "Talk about projects you've undertaken, or experiences that sparked your interest and let your passion shine through.

“It’s also important to show why the university you’re calling appeals to you. For us at Sheffield, that can be by demonstrating you’ve researched our departments and cutting-edge facilities, vibrant student life, or excellent graduate prospects. Showcasing your passion for the subject and a clear understanding of why Sheffield is the right fit helps leave a lasting impression on our admissions team.”

Preparing for your Clearing call 

Do your research

We've got course and university profiles on The Uni Guide that can help with this. Doing your research is about getting your head around the course you're applying for. No-one's going to demand you learn every league table statistic off by heart, but you'll want to know what modules the course offers, or how the university facilities stand out, for instance.

Having that sort of information at your fingertips can help when you're asked 'why do you want to study this course at this particularly university?'.  It will show you've done your homework and are serious about applying (as opposed to simply trying to grab whatever you can).

“Demonstrating a strong grasp of your chosen course, including specific modules, lecturers, or research areas that resonate with you shows you've explored beyond the course description and delved deeper," says Dan. 

"Also, showing a genuine interest in our university beyond the academics and asking insightful questions, for example tailored to the course or related to your interests, will set you apart during a Clearing call."

And remember, this is also your chance to start figuring out whether the university is a good fit for you. University profiles on The Uni Guide incude student reviews, so you can get more insight into what it's like to study there. This might give you some ideas for questions to ask on your call.

Learn more about a course including information such as its entry requirements, what you’ll study and student satisfaction scores – search for a course now.

You could also visit the specific university forums and course forums on The Student Room, to see what current students are saying about their experiences. 

Make notes

For each university you’re planning to phone, have a list of notes or bullet points to hand about why that certain course or university appeals to you. Plus, think of a couple of questions to ask them to really demonstrate that you're keen. Our list of open day questions could help you with this.

Having some pointers to glance at can help steer what you say (especially if you're nervous), so that you cover the important bits and make a positive impression.

Practise your answers

To help you prepare for questions you might be asked, look back over your personal statement. If you went to any admissions interviews, have a think about the questions that were asked there. We've also listed some common questions further down this article, along with the kind of answer you might give. 

Practise saying your own answers out loud; it will help your responses sound natural rather than too rehearsed. Noting down some brief bullet points (rather than full sentences) for each can also help make your answers sound more spontaneous and ‘off-the-cuff’. 

It's common to get some butterflies before calling up universities in Clearing, but practising can really help you feel more settled.

“Clearing can feel nerve-wracking and it's perfectly normal to feel anxious, but admissions teams are on the end of the phone specifically to help," says Dan. "Their goal is to help you find the right fit, so don't worry about messing up or asking the "wrong" question. Do your research, rehearse your questions beforehand and above all, be yourself.”

Something I found which helped me with phone anxiety was having something of a "script" to work from - then I wouldn't be panicking trying to think of what to say and forgetting to listen to what the other person was going to say. [It's] applicable to the format of calling up in Clearing...[you] just have your details to hand and explain you're in Clearing, want to enquire about X course, and then see what they say (probably asking you for details from your Ucase application - so have these to hand!). artful_lounger | (from The Student Room),

What questions can you expect when you call a university during Clearing?

To help you prepare, we've outlined some common questions asked on a Clearing phone call with a university, along with some good (and bad) examples of responses.

Note, these are just rough examples, so don't copy the good ones word-for-word.

Clearing call example: why you want to study their course

You’ve come across an English literature course through Clearing that appeals to some of your interests from A-level.

"Why do you want to study this English literature course?"

Good response
‘Several of the modules really stand out to me, particularly the one on American literature, post-1914. I read The Great Gatsby as part of my A-level syllabus and performed strongest in this area. I think this was because I drew on similar authors who wrote about the same period, such as Nathanael West. I’ve since read many of Fitzgerald’s short stories and would love to explore the genre further. I’ve seen that several of your professors specialise in early 20th-century literature...’

Bad response
‘I’ve always enjoyed reading, from an early age. I studied The Great Gatsby at A-level too.’

Show that you’ve actually read the course description for the course and researched the department or faculty at that university, too, including its academic specialisms and even academic tutors. Relate your subject interests back to specific elements of the course to clearly demonstrate your engagement with it.


Clearing call example: explaining a low grade

You needed an A in maths but just missed this, getting a B instead. You call a university regarding a similar maths course they offer. They’re interested to know why you didn’t get the grades you were predicted.

"Why do you think you missed the A in maths you were predicted at A-level?"

Good response
‘I’ve been looking through the breakdown of my marks to try to understand this more. I’m disappointed with my performance in one exam in particular, which pulled my overall grade down. In the exam, I focused on the first section for too long, which didn’t give me enough time to cover the later questions properly. I’m happy that I achieved A marks for the algebra and geometry elements...’

Bad response
‘I don’t know. I haven’t really given it much thought.’

Examine your unit marks to see which areas have let you down and where you performed best. Reflect and be honest with yourself, and show that you’ve tried to understand where you came up short and how you intend to improve yourself.


Clearing call example: applying to a different subject/joint degree

You previously applied to study history only, but now you are calling a university regarding a joint history and politics course. The university asks about your interest in the politics portion.

"Why do you want to study a joint history and politics BA now?"

Good response
‘The history courses I originally applied for did all include a focus on political history – I’m particularly interested in how political conditions shape and define history. Having looked at the options on the course, the module on post-revolutionary Mexico stood out as an area where we'd be exploring this theme from a range of perspectives....’

Bad response
‘I voted for the first time in the recent election and got quite into it. I watched all the live debates.’

It’s fine to discover a new course or subject through Clearing that you’re legitimately interested in. Don’t feel like an admissions officer will be automatically sceptical about an interest in a subject which seems new to you. We wouldn’t recommend you change your options too wildly, though. If you were planning to enter Clearing to find a different course before you received your results, tell them (including why). 


Clearing call example: demonstrating a deep interest in the subject

You contact a university through Clearing about a psychology course it offers. You meet the official entry requirements but you’re asked more about your interest in the subject outside your studies.

"Tell us about anything you’ve done outside the classroom that has developed your interest in psychology."

Good response
‘I spent the last two summers working as a telephone interviewer, where my ability to listen and ask the right questions has been praised. From what I know about the practice of psychology, this is an important skill to have, especially for therapists and counsellors, which are two career paths I’m considering. I’ve also been developing my understanding of some of the scientific and ethical aspects of social psychological studies, and I recently went to an inspiring taster lecture about the Milgram Experiment...’ 

Bad response
‘I like to watch psychology documentaries and went to a psychology taster lecture recently.’

Choose something interesting, relevant and unique to you to talk about. Don’t just explain what you did in a short, bland way. Explain how it’s helped you to develop your understanding and passion for your chosen subject.

What questions should you be asking when you call a university through Clearing?

Think about what the university can offer you and what you're a bit puzzled about. We had a chat with the admissions team at the University of Bolton, who suggested a few questions you might consider:

  • What courses can the university offer you?
  • Do you have any scholarships or bursaries that Clearing students are eligible for?
  • Does your university have any open days or visiting opportunities available for students (either virtual or in real life)? Would you be able to look around?
  • Are there any spaces left in halls? If so, how do I apply/visit/reserve a place? If not, can they help you find accommodation?
  • Will any adjustments need to be made to suit your stay at the uni? If you have a disability how will that be accommodated?

Your Clearing call checklist

Being prepared is key when it comes to making the call. Here are some essential tips:

Before the call

  • Have your Ucas ID, Clearing number and grades close to hand.
  • You can find your Clearing number in Ucas Hub.
  • Have a few (working) pens and paper next to you, to write down names, phone numbers and times to call back.
  • Keep your notes with what you want to say and your list of numbers nearby.
  • Re-read and print out your personal statement, so you can refer to that too.
  • Head to a quiet room where you won't be disturbed.
  • If you want someone else to call for you then you must be sitting with them to give permission before handing the phone over. Unless you give permission, universities can’t discuss your application with anyone other than you.
  • Keep your phone charged! 

During the call

  • In the busy Clearing period you might find you’re on hold for a while be patient and don’t panic if you can’t get through straight away.
  • If it's engaged, don't waste time move on to your next option and try again later.
  • Lots of universities will be offering live chat options as well so take a look at their website if you’re having trouble getting through.
  • Get names, emails and direct phone numbers in case you have to re-connect or follow up. "Clearing is a busy time for universities and they will often bring in extra staff to cover the phone lines," says Joe Woodcock, head of community at The Student Room. "Make sure you know who you've been speaking to, in case you need to ring back."
  • Speak clearly and confidently and don't be afraid to be honest about why you think you didn't achieve your grades, if asked.
  • Sell yourself why do you deserve a place on the course? Use examples to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the subject area, and make specific references to something about that particular course you uncovered during your research.
  • If you realise the call isn't going well or you don't really fancy the course, don't be afraid to just wrap it up. Thank whoever you're talking to on the phone and politely end the call.
  • As a politics student at Coventry University sums up: "Treat it like speed-dating; if they can't offer you what you are looking for, move on!"

After the call

  • After you’ve got your verbal offer from the university you want to go to (and you're sure about going there!), head straight to Ucas Hub to do all the necessary paperwork/electronic admin.
  • Sort out accommodation. Some institutions will set aside space in campus halls for students coming in through Clearing. However, if your university can't offer this, they'll at least be able to point you in the right direction to private landlords and letting agents in the area.
  • Update your student finance body to tell them where you'll be heading to. Depending on where you'll be studying, you might get a little more in financial support.


Make sure you have your Ucas ID and speak smoothly so the person on the other side of the call can help you better. Itsavery124 | (from The Student Room)

We have a special Clearing hub full of helpful advice for each stage of the Clearing process, from coming up with back-up courses quickly (and sensibly) to tips from students who've been through it themselves.

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