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Clearing 2025: four things you might not know about Clearing and results day

Think you're ready for results day (and potentially, Clearing too)? Here are four facts that might catch you off-guard...

Don't worry if you don't know much about Clearing. Our special advice section is the best place to start...

1. Clearing actually kicks off before results day

The system is best-known and most likely to be used by students who missed out on a place at their chosen universities come results day. But Clearing actually opens in early July and can be used by students who, for whatever reason have yet to secure any course offers.

As soon as Clearing opens, you'll be able to search through available course spaces. However, if you're waiting on exam grades you will need to wait until results day before you can apply for a place through Clearing. Bear in mind that course listings will change throughout Clearing - particularly on A-level results day (which is on Thursday 14 August 2025).

Universities have their Clearing courses listed well in advance, so I would advise that you go though the options you have at universities you want to apply to – this way you're organised and will waste no time. 

This way you have the options you can fall back on if you don't get your firm or insurance, or you might even find a better course out there for you! Anoynomus786 | (from The Student Room)

And how long does Clearing last? It's open for over three months, from Friday 5 July until Monday 20 October 2025.

2. Not all universities take part in Clearing

Some universities simply don't take part in Clearing; including the universities of Oxford and Cambridge and a handful of other high-ranking universities.

Likewise, many of the most popular and competitive degrees – medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, for instance  generally don't feature. They're usually oversubscribed already and often have a waiting list already in place.

Read more: preparing your Clearing back-up plan

3. You could still keep your place even with lower grades

Let's say you check your grades on results day and you've missed your firm and insurance offers by one or two grades. Don't immediately assume you're going to be in Clearing - check your Ucas Hub first.

It's very common for universities to still accept students who have only narrowly missed the grades needed for their offer - and you'll be able to see this on Ucas Hub. If you've got a place at either your firm or insurance uni, that university offer will now show up as unconditional.

If the university has not made a decision yet, ring them and discuss your situation with the admissions tutors.

If you are in Clearing - you'll see your Clearing number there instead. You're now able to start phoning up universities that have Clearing places you might like. Take your time with this bit - there's no immediate rush as no-one is able to accept a Clearing offer until 1pm on A-level results day 2025.

4. Your Clearing phone call might include a mini-interview

When you do call up universities in Clearing, you'll be put through to a member of staff. How this conversation pans out will vary from one university to another - but it's smart to be prepared. They might just do a quick run-through of your grades or you could have a more full-on telephone interview.

I got a place by applying though a Clearing form online. They called me within two hours for an interview and then called the next day to offer the place.

One university sent me an email saying they would call within the next couple of hours for an interview and they never did. Ayshaxim | (from The Student Room)

The Student Room member thegalaxy applied to university through Clearing and found the phone call part of the process to be straightforward. "When they pick up all you need to say is something like "I'm in Clearing and I'd like to apply for your Maths/Engineering/Spanish/whatever course". They'll guide you through the process, they'll just go through collecting various information from you (Ucas number, grades etc.)"

You can use the time before results day to make sure you're ready for anything that could come up. 

Visit our sister site The Student Room's dedicated Clearing, applications and Ucas forum to find out even more about Clearing and see what other students are saying about their experiences. 

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