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Open day questions: computer science students

Interested in studying computer science at university? Use our list of questions to find out more about a course.

About the course

  • Are my teachers also practitioners?
  • How much of this course is based on theory?
  • How much of the course is practical application?

Facilities and equipment

  • What books/equipment is necessary for me to buy?
  • How much time will I need to spend in the library/labs each week?

Placements and work experience

  • Are there any industrial placements?
  • Do I have to organise my own or will I have help?
  • Is there a chance for me to study abroad?


  • What is the split between exam/ coursework/ group works/ presentations?
  • Do I need to complete a dissertation/ research based project?
  • What is the weighting for each part/year of the course?

Computer science graduate prospects

  • How would you increase your experiences of software and technology through university? Can you do an intercalated year of computer science?
  • Does the uni have contacts in industry?
  • Will companies take on interns from this course?


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