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Finding the one: how I picked the right uni

Find out how these students decided on their dream uni

Life would be a whole bunch easier if you knew in advance where you should go to university.

Unfortunately there's no magic formula that can instantly pinpoint your ideal undergrad destination, saving you all that research and open day legwork.

Still...that's not to say we can't help. The Student Room's discussion pages are jam-packed with current uni students who have already been through the whole choosing-a-uni business.

We took a look to find out what things were most important in helping these people find their ideal university. Here's what they had to say.

Make sure you get to those university open days

Online research will tell you a lot, but there's nothing quite like actually visiting a place.

Going to an open day is your golden opportunity to explore the unis you care about and get first-hand answers to your questions.

It also really lets you get a feel for the campus and - if you have time - the surrounding town or city as well. This is something that can't really be replicated online, no many how many virtual open days you explore.

This is the number one reason most The Student Room members give for deciding on their uni, so make sure you take the time to visit the unis at the top of your list to help you make the right choice.
“Open days are definitely worth it! I was set on going to a certain university until I went there for an open day and found out it really wasn't for me, but when I went to one I wasn't really considering, I ended up loving it and now I'm in my third year! I would recommend going to as many as you can.”
Punk_Rock_Socks on The Student Room

If you want a more in-depth look at your shortlist, you could find out if your unis offer applicant days for a more focused visit. These are generally something you'll get invited to after you apply to help narrow down your five choices and make up your mind once and for all.
“I chose my firm because it was the only uni I could imagine living at for four years and I just totally fell in love with it on the open day.”
Sooz on The Student Room

Don't get too hung up on league table placings

Some people worry that a uni lower down the league tables won't have anything to offer them, but that’s not necessarily true.

Regardless of a uni's overall ranking, certain departments may be outstanding. You can check this out in subject-specific league tables, rather than the big overall ones.

Many members of The Student Room also research the student satisfaction rankings to see what real students think. We have this covered in our university search; you may find it helpful to take a look.
“It doesn't really bother me that my uni isn't regarded as 'respected' because I'm really enjoying the course and I think that's more important.”
~*Sweetness*~ on The Student Room

Understanding the experience of other students can help you feel more confident that you’re going to be happy at the uni you choose.
“Prestige helps, but as it's largely a result of the course itself it's not a huge thing on its own.” 
Beelzebub on The Student Room

Can you picture yourself living there?

Before you make your firm uni choice, you need to think about accommodation. Do you want to be in uni halls, private halls, student housing or private housing? Do you want catered or self-catered halls?

How about things like proximity to nightlife, lectures and transport links? Is an en-suite a necessity, or can you survive with a shared bathroom? 

You’ll be spending a fair bit of time in your accommodation, so choose a uni with accommodation that will best suit you, your budget and your lifestyle.
“Remember the beauty of being at uni, and especially in halls, is that if you don't get on with your flatmates, you’re surrounded by other students in other flats, on your course and in societies who you could go out with instead.”
jelly1000 on The Student Room

Is the location right for you?

Many people struggle to choose between a campus and city uni, as both have their benefits and drawbacks.

You’ll also want to think about other things that will affect your day-to-day life. How far do you want to be from home? Do you want to be near the coast or inland? Will surrounding transport links allow you to easily visit friends and family?
“Campus unis can be great if you want to make friends who are living in the student accommodation village with you and want to take part in all the social events that happen, but if you're not keen on that, it can feel a bit samey and isolating.”
PhoenixFortune on The Student Room
“I chose my uni because it was a campus uni, but with Brighton on one side and countryside on the other, it wasn't too far from home and it had a modern and interdisciplinary ethos.”
Wise One on The Student Room

What about the student union?

Student unions aren’t just places you go for cheap drinks on a Monday night - they’re also the hub of a uni’s societies and student representative body.

Members of The Student Room find that societies are a great way to make friends, explore new interests and add skills to your CV. 

Remember that an active student union can have a huge impact on the day-to-day running of uni life, so find out more about your uni’s student union before you make your firm choice.
“I definitely recommend joining one or two societies; they're a great way of meeting new people outside of our course and university halls and you already have a shared interest which you can talk about!”
Deyesy on The Student Room

Are the facilities up to scratch?

If there’s something that especially matters to you, like mental health services, sports facilities, LGBTQ+ support or creative studios, check if your uni provides them and if so, what they’re like.

Even if you’re not sure if uni is for you, having the right facilities in place can spell the difference between a happy relationship with your uni and struggling through your three years. 
“Facilities are important; 24hr libraries can be really handy.”
claireestelle on The Student Room

So if you’re hoping to fall head over heels for your uni, make sure you do your research now. The more you know, the more likely you are to live happily ever after with your university.
“My department has some great modern facilities, yet it’s also got the feel of being an old established university.”
Arminius on The Student Room

Our partnership with UEA (University of East Anglia)

The Student Room is proud to work with UEA, a UK top-25 university (Complete University Guide 2025) and UK top-30 university (The Times/Sunday Times 2024), as the official partner of our student life section.

Located on the edge of Norwich, a vibrant city full of secret gems just waiting to be discovered.

Visit their profile page to learn more or join the conversation on The Student Room's UEA forum.

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