What university is really like
Here's what to expect from student life...

Does this sound like you? If so, you’re far from alone. Everyone who’s thinking about going to uni experiences a mixture of excitement, nervousness, being desperate to get there but apprehensive about leaving sixth form or college behind…
Feeling ready for uni is a bit easier if you've got an idea what to expect – and that's what this article's for. We’ve spoken to real students and university staff to get their take on the uni experience – and they’ve left no stone unturned.
Do you have to get wasted every night to fit in? Should you join a million different societies? Does everyone get on with their flatmates? Read on to find out, or tap one of these links to zip straight to a particular section.
In this article we'll cover... |
University sports clubs and societies
Clubs and societies are hands down one of the best things about uni. This is your chance to try your hand at all those activities you’ve always wondered about. Why not have a go at rowing, debating or a new language? Or you could write for your uni magazine, sample some culinary delights in gastronomic society or learn to code.And if you have a brilliant idea for a society that doesn’t exist yet, you can even apply for funding from your Student Union to set it up yourself.
VickyDoodle on The Student Room
University student union websites will show which societies are running. Or, once you arrive, you can visit the Freshers’ Fayre. You’ll be bombarded with sign-up sheets from slightly overenthusiastic reps from each society, but you can sign up for free tasters of whatever takes your fancy - and you’ll also scoop armfuls of freebies in the process.
The sports fair is for you if you fancy representing your team in the university leagues, learning a new sport or just keeping fit. Try out for the rugby team, take to the river as a rower or show your support by joining the cheerleading squad - there’s almost too much choice, and it’ll get you chatting to a whole new group of people to expand your social circle.
How not to starve (or 'cooking for yourself at uni')
So you’ve absolutely rinsed your Deliveroo free trial for the first couple of weeks, the staff at Maccy’s already know you by name and you’ve munched through all the snacks your mum left you. It's at this stage that you'll realise it might just be… time to cook.If you’re already a bit of a whizz in the kitchen, you’ll make yourself very popular very fast. But if your culinary skills extend no further than making toast (and you won’t be alone!), you’ll need to add a few basic recipes to your repertoire to avoid blowing your entire student loan on overpriced ready meals.
To get you started, here are three things every student needs to know how to cook. Once you have these down, you can add whatever other ingredients are reduced in the supermarket that day to make a tasty meal.
Chuck your pasta in a pan of boiling water for 10-15 minutes (check the pack). Adding a glug of oil can help stop the pasta from sticking. Then drain it in one of the six colanders you have somehow accumulated in your kitchen, stir in some pesto or sauce from a jar and voila! A super easy, super cheap meal. Top with cheese, olives or cooked veggies if you’re feeling fancy.Rice
Another easy one - boil your rice for 10-15 minutes. While that’s cooking, heat up a jar of curry sauce (or just a tin of tomatoes with a spoonful of curry spice) and cook up some meat, tofu or veggies to go with it, and you have yourself the easiest curry ever.Ramen
The ultimate lazy/hangover meal. Just rip open the packet, leave the ramen in boiling water for a couple of minutes and you're good to go. If you’re really pushing the boat out, stick a poached or fried egg on top. Easy!claireestelle on The Student Room
Little J on The Student Room
Food costs can quickly add up when you’re paying for yourself, so you might choose to buy some communal staples with your flatmates to keep spending down.
You can also time your supermarket trips for when they start reducing food that’s close to its sell-by date (lots of this fresh food can be frozen), and use cheap pulses like chickpeas and lentils to bulk up your meals for healthy, satisfying food.
Budget supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl also sell own-brand versions of popular foods at lower prices than the main supermarkets, so be sure to check them out to grab some bargains.
How to budget at uni
Let’s just put this out there: the vast majority of students are skint at uni. When that first loan payment hits your account, it can be tempting to blow the lot on rounds of shots and Domino’s deliveries, but learning to budget is an essential part of living independently.Even the most financially savvy students can struggle with temptation, so it’s important that you flex those willpower muscles and spend wisely.
Working out how to budget is a new skill for most students, and our Money & Finance section on The Student Room is a good place to check for advice.
WhereDidIPutMyCar on The Student Room
TattyBoJangles on The Student Room
As long as you send in your student finance application before the deadline, you should receive your first loan payment at the start of term in September - just in time for Freshers’ Week. A lot of people find applying for loans stressful, so there’s plenty of advice over in our Student Finance section if you have any questions.
You’ll also want to open a student bank account before term starts. You may well have had the same bank account since you were a kid, but a student account gives you an interest-free overdraft (an absolute lifesaver at the end of term when you have about 16p left from your loan) and often other goodies, like a 16-25 Railcard (perfect for those weekend trips home) or cash rewards.
International students can apply for special international student bank accounts, or a standard current account. Our article on choosing a student bank account will give you a good idea of the accounts on offer.
Your student ID card is also your golden ticket for grabbing student discounts at all sorts of places, from high-street shops to pubs (especially those close to your uni) and even transport providers for cheap bus and coach travel. You’ll also want to look into money-off sites like Unidays or Student Beans to score discounts on your online shopping.
But if you DO find yourself broke, seek advice before you do anything else. Your uni can help if you’re struggling with money, and there will be a hardship fund available for students who have run out of options. Where possible, avoid payday loans - the interest rates can be HUGE, and you can end up more in debt than before you took the loan out. Your uni’s support team should be your first port of call to help get your finances back on track.
What lectures are like
Studying at uni is way different to what you’re used to at sixth form or college. Gone is the tedious lesson > homework > revision > exam cycle, and in come lectures, seminars, labs, coursework, independent study and research in the library.Science students will spend a lot of time in labs carrying out experiments, while humanities students will get to know every nook and cranny of the library.
While you’ll probably experience fewer teaching hours than you're used to, you’ll be knees deep in independent study, so learning to create a great study timetable is a must.
Uni terms explained:
Lectures will be the most similar to your sixth form lessons - there will probably just be more people and less room for interaction. There may be hundreds of students in some of your lectures. Come prepared with a notepad or laptop to take notes and jot down anything you don’t understand - you can always ask any questions in your seminars.Seminars
Seminars are much smaller than lectures, and are usually focused around discussing the material from lectures and possibly solving some problems in groups. You’ll usually be expected to have completed some reading before each seminar, so come ready to discuss your thoughts. This is also your chance to clarify anything you don’t quite understand, so don’t be afraid to get some time with your tutor.Labs
If you’re currently studying science subjects, you should be familiar with labs. In labs, you’ll be doing supervised experiments in very practical, hands-on lessons. They’re all about demonstrating techniques and collecting data, which you’ll then write up into a lab report.City unis, campus unis and going out
There are two main types of university: city unis and campus unis.City unis are - unsurprisingly - based in cities, and the uni buildings tend to be spread around the city. Chances are you’ll need to catch public transport to get to your classes.
At campus unis, your student accommodation (at least in first year) will be in the heart of a dedicated student village, with everything you need within walking distance.
There are pros and cons of each. City unis give you the opportunity to explore your new city and give the best experience of independent living, but it can be trickier to get around, while campus unis are super convenient and make socialising easy, but you may not venture off-campus and into your new city too often. You can find out more in our article about choosing between a campus and city uni.
Brouhaha on The Student Room
At both city and campus unis, your student union will be a great spot for cheap drinks and meeting people, and there will be lots of pubs, bars and clubs set up to cater to students. Midweek is when you’ll find all the best student nights, and you can grab loads of drinks deals and cheap entry to clubs keen to attract the lively student crowds.
If you choose a campus uni and want to check out the nightlife in town, you’ll need to hop on public transport (don’t forget to ask for a student fare!) or share a taxi or Uber - your Student Union can recommend a list of trusted taxi companies.
At a city uni, you’ll quickly become an absolute pro at hopping on and off buses, trams and tubes (don’t forget to grab a student Oyster card if you’re in London), and you’ll be able to carve out your own completely unique experience of the city.
"Every university is a little bit different, in particular the facilities they offer and the environment that students are studying in. However, you can broadly categorise most unis into either a campus or a city uni.
"There are pros and cons to each and many people have a strong preference to one type. Understanding whether you want a campus or city experience can really help in narrowing down your choices and finding the right five universities to apply to.
"A campus university typically has all facilities located on one main site. This will include academic buildings and facilities, halls of residence, student union and sports facilities as well as a range of social and eating venues all together.
"It can be great to live only a few minutes’ walk from lectures and seminars and you can make the most of your time between classes by popping back to your flat or using the sports facilities. You feel a great sense of community; being surrounded by students in a dedicated space can help in that first move away from home.
"The other type is a city uni. Often nestled amid shops and businesses, this type of uni is right at the heart of things. You may have a commute from accommodation to get to classes, but once you’re there, you are right on top of everything your chosen city has to offer.
"University buildings may be scattered around the city and so as you travel around to different departments, you have a chance to really get to know your new home. Sometimes students feel less part of a student community, but feel a greater connection with their city.
"The best way to help you decide on campus or city is...an open day, of course! If you are able to visit a few places, it's well worth the time and effort to see the facilities, accommodation and get a sense of what the university campus and/or city is all about."
Lydia Newton, recruitment manager, UEA
Looking after yourself at uni
Unless you've already lived away from home, going to uni is going to be your first experience of 'life admin': thrilling things such as paying bills, doing the washing and finding accommodation.In halls, your bills are generally included in your rent, but once you move into private accommodation, it’s your responsibility. That includes everything from gas, electricity and water to your internet connection and any parking permits.
Some halls provide a cleaning service to clean the communal areas, though not all do, so it’s worth checking if you’ll need to stock up on your own cleaning products. Either way, you’ll be responsible for keeping your own room (relatively) clean and tidy, and you’ll be responsible for doing your own laundry too. Keep hold of your loose change so you can power the machines!
You’ll also want to think about security. Students can be seen as easy targets, so shut your windows when you go out and be aware of anyone you don’t recognise in your flat. It’s definitely worth getting contents insurance - it may seem like an unnecessary expense right now, but if your laptop gives up the ghost or your phone screen smashes, you’ll be very grateful that you don’t need to shell out the full amount for a replacement.
Ollie F on The Student Room
Another boring, but important thing to remember is to keep track of all your documents - and there are A LOT of documents to keep safe at uni. Bills, contracts, student finance letters - tuck them all away in a folder (real or virtual). Hopefully you won’t need them for anything, but if you do, it’ll save you from trawling through endless emails to track down your customer number.

Support at uni
At uni, you have access to an entire support team whose job it is to help you with everything from accommodation to finance to your mental health. You will also be assigned a personal tutor who can help you with any administrative or personal issues, or refer you to the person who can.When you move into halls, you will meet your accommodation reps, who live on-site and will have regular drop-in hours for any questions you may have.
International students will often have dedicated events to help them get settled in their new country and meet people, and even if you’re commuting from home, there are often events to help you meet other students who are travelling in from home.
A lot of people feel anxious and homesick when they first move out, but there’s plenty of support available to help you deal with it.
daisydaffodil on The Student Room
The Student Union can provide you with advice and support and most will have a representation service which will support you if you run into any tricky situations with your course or personal stuff.
Nightline, a national student peer-to-peer listening service, will also be based at the SU. There will be a multi-faith chaplaincy on campus supported by members of each faith and religion that you’ll be able to talk to as well as faith-based student groups.
You’ll also need to take care of your health - both mental and physical. During Freshers’ Week, head along to your uni’s health centre to register with a GP.
You may also want to consider registering with a local dentist (though some students prefer to stick with their home dentist). Before you go to uni, it’s also worth getting a meningitis vaccine, as students are considered an at-risk group.
Origami Bullets on The Student Room
Pretty much everyone will feel homesick at some point, and usually it will pass. But if it’s affecting your mental health, you can access mental health support services, such as counselling or talking therapies (as well as getting support for any existing mental health conditions). You can also access sexual health services for those very important STI screenings, stashes of free condoms and access to contraception.
How to find jobs at uni
Maintenance loans are available to help with living costs at uni, but most students find they need to pick up some part-time work as well. Of course, you’ll need to find a job that you can fit around your studies.Make sure your CV and cover letter template are up to date with all your relevant experience and academic results. And, if you're coming to the UK as an international student, remember that your work opportunities are dependent on your visa restrictions.
annablagg on The Student Room
Common job types as a student | ||
Job type | Pros | Cons |
Part-time jobs | Reliable, fixed schedule, fixed income | Less flexible, may clash with unexpected uni commitments |
Zero-hour contract | A good way to top up your income with no obligation to accept shifts | The employer isn’t obliged to provide you with a minimum number of hours, so it’s an unreliable source of income |
Temp jobs | Get a varied range of professional experience | The length of contract will vary between employers, so it can be tricky to fit contracts around your uni schedule |
Student Union jobs | It’s based on-site, so it’s convenient and generally easier to fit shifts around your studies | They’re very popular, so it can be harder to snag a coveted spot |
artful_lounger on The Student Room
You should also make sure you’re being paid at least the National Living Wage (if you're 21 or older) or the relevant minimum wage. As of April 2024, these minimum hourly rates are:
National Living Wage (21 and over): £11.44
National Minimum Wage (ages 18-20): £8.60
National Minimum Wage (under 18): £6.40
National Minimum Wage (apprentice): £6.40
These rates change on 1 April every year.
Watch out for dodgy employers who try to pay you less - for example by asking you to go self-employed, paying you ‘cash in hand’ (ie with cash, without paying your wage into your bank account) or including tips in your wage.
"Lots of students have a part time job whilst at uni – a great way to build skills and flesh out the CV as well as supplement that student loan too.
"At UEA, we employ students to help out with events and visits – the ambassador scheme is a really flexible and rewarding role that is open to students throughout their degree. Additionally, some of our students work in our on campus eateries.
"The SU also employ lots of students in the shops and bars so there are plenty of opportunities to work on campus. For all these and lots more vacancies in the city centre and beyond, the Careers Central team offer a comprehensive job listings service as well as CV drop-in clinics, mock interviews and careers advice."
Lydia Newton, recruitment manager, UEA
Our partnership with UEA (University of East Anglia)
The Student Room is proud to work with UEA, a UK top-25 university (Complete University Guide 2025) and UK top-30 university (The Times/Sunday Times 2024), as the official partner of our student life section.
Located on the edge of Norwich, a vibrant city full of secret gems just waiting to be discovered.
Visit their profile page to learn more or join the conversation on The Student Room's UEA forum.
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