Can I change my choices when applying to university?
Changing your university options while you're applying may not be simple, but it is possible...

But it's important to act quickly – and you'll need to be clear with what you want to do instead.
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Can I change my Ucas choices?
Once you've made your five university choices, you'll receive confirmation from Ucas. If any of the details are incorrect, you'll need to contact Ucas straight away.To change courses within a university, you can speak to the university directly. There are no guarantees, but if they agree they'll let Ucas know – and then your Ucas Hub will be updated.
To change a university, you must act within 14 days of getting your Ucas confirmation email. After this, you can only change your choices under exceptional circumstances – like a family issue.
If you're making multiple changes, spend time thinking about your options. You could consider a gap year to give yourself more time to think things through.Can I change my responses to offers?
Can I swap my first and insurance choices around?
If you want to swap your first and insurance choices after responding to your offers, check with your insurance choice to make sure they're happy for you to put them down as your first choice.You can contact a Ucas adviser to make changes to your replies within 14 days of accepting your offers.
After those two weeks, it becomes a bit more complicated. It might be possible, but there are no guarantees. You'll need to contact both of the universities about swapping your offers and then call Ucas afterwards to confirm.
And there's a deadline for swapping your replies, after which you can't make changes. This is in late July: check the Ucas website to find the exact date for this year.
Can I get out of my first choice?
Possibly. It's worth phoning Ucas within 14 days of replying to your offers, but there are no guarantees.If it's been longer than two weeks – but it's still before results day – then check what it says on Ucas Hub. If your firm offer says conditional, you can't look for an alternative course just yet.
Instead, you'll need to ask your firm offer to reject you so you can move on to your insurance choice. Both universities will need to confirm that they are happy with this.
If you have a firm unconditional place, you can release yourself into Clearing from 5 July. You'll need to use the ‘decline your place’ button in your Ucas application.
Can I get out of my insurance choice?
To get out of your insurance choice, you'll need to ask the university to 'release' you if your offer is unconditional. If your offer is conditional, you need them to 'reject' you.To find an alternative course, you will need to enter Clearing or reapply next year.
Can I get out of both my first and insurance choices?
Yes. Start the process by contacting your first choice. You need to be clear with them that you don't want to go with your insurance choice and would prefer to enter Clearing or choose another route.Can I cancel my Ucas application?
Yes, contact Ucas and tell them you want to withdraw your application – you can cancel at any time if you don't want to apply anymore.To get a refund for the Ucas fee you paid, you will need to cancel within 14 days of submitting your application. You can use the application cancellation request form on the Ucas website.
Can I change courses once at university?
It may not be that easy to change courses once you've started university – it could depend on the course you've chosen or the university you're attending.But just because it may not be straightforward doesn't mean it can't be done. This article takes a look at how easy it is to switch courses once you're at university.
- Read more: prepare your Clearing back-up plan