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Applied Equitation Science (Level 6 only)

Cornwall College

UCAS Code: D427 | Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

Cornwall College

UCAS Code: D427 | Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)

Entry requirements

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About this course

Course option


Full-time | 2025


Equine studies

This one year top up programme is designed for anyone who has an interest in and enthusiasm for horses and would like to get involved in discussions on training, problem solving and the horse-human relationship. It is ideal for individuals who wish to demonstrate their academic potential, ability to present a reasoned argument, enthusiasm for dissemination of scientific facts to the equine industry and who have a desire to support the improvement of horse welfare.

Throughout the programme we encourage you to develop your individual abilities and test factual knowledge through a variety of assessment methods including posters, leaflets, micro teaches, demonstrations and some written work. Applicants should be interested in investigating all aspects of equitation and are motivated to effect change through the creation of new theories based on scientific research to support the horse within all aspects of horse-human interactions.

This unique programme will enable you to develop existing knowledge through a mixture of taught and practical sessions which are integral to the programme. The knowledge gained through a variety of modules is applicable to horses and owners from leisure through to competitive industry. The programme includes a substantial honours project enabling you to carry out a detailed investigation in an area of your choice or from topics identified by the equitation science academic team with established research in biomechanics, behaviour and psychology and the horse-human relationship.

Riding is offered at the on-site Equestrian Centre managed by an experienced equitation science postgraduate with many years of industry experience. In addition there are opportunities to continue the development of personal and professional skills through work-related learning in industry which is strongly encouraged and supported. There is the option of a short national study tour to enhance and consolidate your experience which requires an additional financial contribution from each student.

Throughout the programme we encourage you to develop your individual abilities and test factual knowledge through a variety of assessment methods including posters, leaflets, micro teaches, demonstrations and some written work which and you will be able to develop existing knowledge through a mixture of taught and practical sessions which are integral to the programme.

**Possible Progression** (subject to availability)
MSc Equitation Science at Duchy Stoke
Masters-level study in Equine Science or Teaching

**Possible Careers**
Training and Rehabilitation
Teaching, Lecturing and Research
Equine Industry Practitioner
Working alongside Veterinary Experts and Competitors
Welfare Organisations
Equine Charities
Equestrian Organisations

**Learner and Pastoral Support**
We pride ourselves on our student focused, friendly and supportive environment. Our dedicated support team are available for regular or ad hoc 1:1 learning or pastoral support needs.


Core Modules - Honours Project (40 Credits) - Equitation Science (20 Credits) - Contemporary Issues in Equine Science (20 Credits) - Optional Modules (choose two); Managing Equine Performance (20 Credits) - Applied Rider Performance (20 Credits) - Applied Equine Learning & Psychology (20 Credits)

Assessment methods

Assignments, formal examinations, practical exam/s, presentation/s and debate/s

Tuition fees

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Channel Islands
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Republic of Ireland
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per year

The Uni

Course location:

Duchy College Stoke Climsland


Animals, Horticulture, Land-Use and Food

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What students say

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After graduation

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This is usually because there were too few respondents in the data we receive to be able to provide results about the subject at this university.

This is what the university has told Ucas about the criteria they expect applicants to satisfy; some may be compulsory, others may be preferable.

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This is the percentage of applicants to this course who received an offer last year, through Ucas.

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This is what the university has told Ucas about the course. Use it to get a quick idea about what makes it unique compared to similar courses, elsewhere.

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Course location and department:

This is what the university has told Ucas about the course. Use it to get a quick idea about what makes it unique compared to similar courses, elsewhere.

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Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF):

We've received this information from the Department for Education, via Ucas. This is how the university as a whole has been rated for its quality of teaching: gold silver or bronze. Note, not all universities have taken part in the TEF.

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This information comes from the National Student Survey, an annual student survey of final-year students. You can use this to see how satisfied students studying this subject area at this university, are (not the individual course).

This is the percentage of final-year students at this university who were "definitely" or "mostly" satisfied with their course. We've analysed this figure against other universities so you can see whether this is high, medium or low.

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This information is from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), for undergraduate students only.

You can use this to get an idea of who you might share a lecture with and how they progressed in this subject, here. It's also worth comparing typical A-level subjects and grades students achieved with the current course entry requirements; similarities or differences here could indicate how flexible (or not) a university might be.

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Post-six month graduation stats:

This is from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, based on responses from graduates who studied the same subject area here.

It offers a snapshot of what grads went on to do six months later, what they were earning on average, and whether they felt their degree helped them obtain a 'graduate role'. We calculate a mean rating to indicate if this is high, medium or low compared to other universities.

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Graduate field commentary:

The Higher Education Careers Services Unit have provided some further context for all graduates in this subject area, including details that numbers alone might not show

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The Longitudinal Educational Outcomes dataset combines HRMC earnings data with student records from the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

While there are lots of factors at play when it comes to your future earnings, use this as a rough timeline of what graduates in this subject area were earning on average one, three and five years later. Can you see a steady increase in salary, or did grads need some experience under their belt before seeing a nice bump up in their pay packet?

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