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UCAS code: C35

The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama is an international leader for professional drama, theatre and performance-related training. We offer an extensive portfolio of undergraduate, postgraduate and other courses.
Source: Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London website

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How students describe this university

We asked more than 11,000 undergraduates to say how far they would describe their uni as having the following characteristics. We carry out this analysis where we have scores from at least 30 students. You can also see whether these ratings are high, medium or low compared to other universities.
We’re sorry, we haven’t been able to speak to enough students get reliable descriptions of this institution yet.

Vital stats

Sources: NSS, DLHE & HESA
% of graduates in work or further study 95% Medium
Average graduate salary £23k High
Student satisfaction score 61% Low

Number of students


students attended last year

Undergraduate / Postgraduate


of students are undergrads

Full-time / Part-time


of students are part-time

Male / Female


of students are male

Young / Mature


of students aged over 21

UK / Non-UK


of students here are from outside the UK

What students say about this university

7 comments (1 student)
    • Melting pot of creativity. Great history and great staff. Voices heard. Good communication with students. Slightly too many courses to fully commit to all of them

      2023, 2nd year student, Drama


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    • For the size of the school, the student union goes beyond what is expected - so many events, your voice always feels heard, great union president

      2023, 2nd year student, Drama


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    • DSD and counselling brilliant. SU means voices are heard. Tutors hands off when it comes to personal matters which has advantages and disadvantages

      2023, 2nd year student, Drama


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    • Great tutors, some of the best in the country. Varied, step by step entry into the industry. Professional, decent feedback. However Rooming issues often

      2023, 2nd year student, Drama


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    • Library brilliant and expansive. Rooming issues despite new block being built. Some parts of building falling apart, but generally workable

      2023, 2nd year student, Drama


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    • Accommodation expensive and not near the school so didn’t use. Financial support alright but not enough to fully cover shortfall. Cost of living standard for London

      2023, 2nd year student, Drama


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