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Architecture courses

Do you picture yourself designing the next iconic building on London’s skyline, an eco-friendly house or a shopping centre? If so, architecture may be for you. Architects design buildings of all types from residential housing to large public buildings. This degree is the first stage of seven years of professional training needed to practice as an architect. The course combines studio-based design projects with gaining technical knowledge of materials and construction techniques.

Studying architecture at university

Example course modules

  • Communication and group working
  • History and theory of architecture
  • Transferable skills for the built environment
  • Design procedures
  • Creative practice
  • The principles of designing architecture
  • The practice of making architecture
  • Humanities and technologies
  • Interdisciplinary design studies
  • Architectural communication and representation

Teaching hours / week

Average for this subject


Average for all subjects

The time you'll spend in lectures and seminars each week will vary from university to university, so use this as a guide.

Who studies this subject

  • Female : 51%
    Male : 49%
  • Mature : 18%
    School leaver : 82%
  • Full-time : 94%
    Part-time : 6%

What students say about architecture

What you need to get on a course

Subjects you need

A-levels (or equivalent) usually required

  • No Specific Requirements

Useful to have

  • Physics
  • Art
  • Mathematics
More advice on A-level requirements

Application checklist

Here's a guide to what to expect from the application process - also check individual university entry requirements, as these may differ.

  • January application
  • October application
  • Personal statement
  • Portfolio
  • Interview
  • Entry test
  • Work experience
  • Audition
More advice on applying to uni

Personal statement advice

Your personal statement is a core part of your university application, and getting it just right takes time. Before you start work on yours, take a look at our five quick tips on writing a personal statement. We'll help you past that writer's block!

Personal statement tips and advice

Career prospects

Before the recession, architecture had one of the lowest unemployment rates of all the main subjects, and graduates were in demand. But the recession hit the construction industry very hard and that has meant a tough few years for architects. Things have been looking up more recently, though, so we hope and expect that the jobs market for architects will get better. Most working architects secure jobs in the architecture industry, more usually starting as assistants rather than full-blown architects or chartered technicians. Some, however, move into management, design or marketing roles, where they find their planning, design and project management skills are very welcome. Nearly half the architecture-related jobs last year were in London or the South East, and this group are rather more likely than average to find their jobs through personal contacts, so polish your networking skills if you want to succeed as an architect.
Professional and accrediting bodies:
Sources: HECSU & KIS

Six months after graduating

Typical graduate job areas
  • Architects, town planners and surveyors

Longer term career paths

Jobs where this degree is useful

  • Architect
  • Interior or landscape designer
  • Chartered architectural technologist

Other real-life job examples

  • Historic buildings inspector
  • Social sciences researcher
  • Youth project leader

What employers like about this subject

Architecture degrees will provide you with subject-specific skills such as the skills to work with and communicate architectural proposals; a knowledge of materials and their use in building and the use of Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Transferable skills you can get from architecture include team-working, excellent IT, problem-solving, critical thinking and the ability to interpret data. Architecture graduates are employed in architectural practices, in construction, in consultancy, in design agencies, in government and regulatory bodies and in universities.