I don't feel like the quality of teaching on this course is very high quality. The content isn't in-depth enough and I found myself extremely confused more time than not. I'm also not a fan of how animation and games art are combined together as there's some in the class who want to focus on one or the other. This also makes the course very confusing and many students have complained about this in the past, from my knowledge. You hardly have any time to complete full animations which stressed me out SO much and the course as a whole feels rushed.
1st year student, Animation
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I don't live in a university accommodation and was never shown the library so have not used this, but I will say that I've had a lot of experience with the well-being team and they're very hit or miss. The first two years, I received no help and they even admitted that they weren't helping me enough. Now, I'm receiving better help but these well-being sessions only last 8 sessions until they kick you out. Very unhelpful.
There's a lot of cool societies and the university is very welcoming as they always have some kind of event going on which is nice. The people working at the gateway are always lovely and helpful. Since I'm doing a digital art course, there's a lot of cool tools you have access to, including the studio and drawing tablets, however, they're now getting really strict with who can use them at certain times which isn't ideal at all.
1st year student, Animation
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Oh boy.
I've technically been at the university for three years but I'm only in my first year due to dropping out of my foundation year, then re-joining the next year. This is all due to severe mental health issues that the university have been aware of since the start but have done absolutely nothing to help. I've been with their well-being team for all of these three years and for the first year, they only had me down for "check-ups" rather than actual help. This involved weekly phone calls that just asked how I am. That's it. Once the university realised how serious this was, they brought my tutor in to help (bear in mind, she hadn't given me any help prior to this.) She basically told me over a Teams call that there's nothing they can do anymore and I have no choice but to drop out and re-join, so I did that.
I redid my foundation year and things weren't getting any better. I panicked to the point of making myself sick over a presentation which led to everything going downhill again. The well-being team KNEW this and did nothing to help. I was referred over to disability support, but my email was ignored mid-conversation so I received no help from them. It got to March and I realised things were going horribly so I contacted my tutor who said he'd help support me. I had a meeting with someone from well-being and my tutor, and my tutor basically yelled at me and my mum because I was too scared to speak. I received no help and was left to do everything on my own. My tutor was fairly convinced I wouldn't make it until the end of the year and had me doomed to fail. I applied for extenuating circumstances but this wasn't granted until two months after I applied, leaving me with very little time to finish my work.
I passed and am now onto my first proper year. Things went smoothly until the bus strikes which meant I couldn't physically get into the building. I didn't receive any help at all during this time and was left to do everything on my own since my mental health had drastically declined. Thankfully, a lovely man from the well-being team finally decided to help out and I was receiving counselling for a few weeks... until their 8 sessions was up. You only get a certain number of sessions with their well-being team which isn't ideal. I still feel like I'm really struggling and not receiving enough help. I'm hoping this time I'll get help from disability support but I didn't receive a reply back from my last email, so who knows?
1st year student, Animation
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I do like Sunderland for the most part, the people are mostly nice, it's diverse and there's a wide range of shops, but I do feel like there's not nearly enough stuff here compared to other cities.
The campuses are very nice, especially the media centre.
1st year student, Animation
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The university has a store called StudyPlus where you can buy a bunch of essential and non-essential items using either your own money or money granted to you by the university. You can apply for various bursaries and I was granted the low-income bursary. This was paid through StudyPlus but you could also take out some of the money each semester which was nice. They also randomly gave us £200 on there to help with the cost of living crisis which we could fully withdraw to our bank accounts which was great! I do wish they'd increase the limit of how much you can withdraw but otherwise, it's really helpful! My brother even received a grant of £1000 for no reason which is cool.
1st year student, Animation
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The university is very welcoming to all kinds of people, there's always something going on and it's in a good area, but that's pretty much where all of my praise ends.
My course feels extremely rushed, some staff have shown time and time again that they don't really care about me and can't be bothered to deal with me, their well-being services are extremely unhelpful and I'm pretty miserable here.
1st year student, Animation
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