University of Surrey
UCAS Code: BD47 | Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons)
Entry requirements
A level
Overall: ABB-BBB We do not include General Studies or Critical Thinking in our offers. Required subjects: Biology or Chemistry and one from the following - Physics, Sport Studies, Physical Education, Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology, Geography, Environmental Science, Food Technology, Home Economics, or Nutrition and Food Science. Applicants taking the Science Practical Endorsement are required to pass.
Overall: QAA recognised Access to Higher Education Diploma with 45 Level 3 credits overall including 30 at Distinction and 15 at Merit - 27 at Distinction and 18 at Merit. Required subjects: 15 credits in Biology or Chemistry and 15 credits in another science subject.
Extended Project
Applicants taking the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) will receive our standard A-level offer for this programme, plus an alternate offer of one A-level grade lower, subject to achieving an A grade in the EPQ. The one grade reduction will not apply to any required subjects. Applicants can only receive one grade reduction from the published grades, an EPQ grade reduction can’t be applied in addition to other grade reductions made through other schemes such as Contextual Admissions or In2Surrey.
GCSE/National 4/National 5
GCSE English and Mathematics grade C (4) (or equivalent).
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Overall: 33-32 Required subjects: Biology or Chemistry HL5/SL6 and a second science or mathematics subject HL5/SL6. GCSE or Equivalent: English A HL4/SL4 or English B HL5/SL6 and Mathematics (either course) HL4/SL4.
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)
Overall: DDD-DDM in Applied Science (please contact us if you are taking a different BTEC).
Scottish Advanced Higher
Overall: ABB-BBB Required subjects: Biology or Chemistry and one from the following - Physics, Sport Studies, Physical Education, Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology, Geography, Environmental Science, Food Technology, Home Economics, or Nutrition and Food Science. GCSE or Equivalent: Scottish National 5: English Language - C Scottish National 5: Maths - C
Scottish Higher
Overall: AABBB-ABBBB Required subjects: Biology or Chemistry and another science or mathematics subject. GCSE or Equivalent: Scottish National 5: English Language - C Scottish National 5: Maths - C
T Level
Overall: Distinction Required subjects: Science.
Overall: Pass overall with ABB-BBB from the Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate and two A levels. Required subjects: A-level Biology or Chemistry and an A-level in another science or mathematics subject. Applicants taking the Science Practical Endorsement are required to pass. A-level General Studies and A-level Critical Thinking are not accepted.
UCAS Tariff
We've calculated how many Ucas points you'll need for this course.
About this course
**Why choose this course**
• Study on an Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) accredited course.
• Access our £12.5 million Innovation for Health Learning Laboratory to acquire practical experience that is greatly valued by a wide range of employers.
• Gain industry experience through a Professional Training placement, working for an employer such as the Government, a nutrition-focused business, or a large specialised bakery, confectionary, cereal or dairy food company.
• Learn from lecturers who have been awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Further and Higher Education, in recognition of their research excellence in the field of food and nutrition.
**What you will study**
Food science is a multidisciplinary subject that applies biology and chemistry to the physical, chemical and biochemical study of food. Nutrition is the study of the biochemical and physiological processes through which food is utilised by the body. This degree encompasses both aspects to a high level.
In your first year, you’ll study a broad range of topics, including food and nutritional science-focused subjects, as well as cell biology, biological chemistry, biochemistry and physiology to give you a solid foundation upon which to build the rest of your degree.
In your second year, you’ll develop your understanding of what happens to the components of food during processing and storage. You'll gain an understanding of the role of food microbiology and how safe, nutritious food can be effectively produced. You’ll acquire an appreciation for the functionality of ingredients used in foods and product development, while exploring the basis of nutrition and the role this has on aetiology and prevention of illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
In your third year, you’ll have the choice to specialise further, studying topics like food chemistry to continue to evaluate the role of natural and added components in the foods we eat. You will also gain a more in-depth understanding of the technologies used to produce safe and nutritious foods as well as the importance of food security. You’ll also advance your knowledge of the role of nutrition in certain illnesses and how this contributes to their prevention.
To see the full range of modules for this course please visit our website – the link is under the Course contact details. You will also find full details of the programme, including programme structure, assessment methods, contact hours and Graduate prospects.
Extra funding
The University of Surrey offers a range of scholarships and bursaries to support our students, please visit for more details.
The Uni
Stag Hill
FHMS - School of Biosciences and Medicine
What students say
We've crunched the numbers to see if overall student satisfaction here is high, medium or low compared to students studying this subject(s) at other universities.
How do students rate their degree experience?
The stats below relate to the general subject area/s at this university, not this specific course. We show this where there isn’t enough data about the course, or where this is the most detailed info available to us.
Nutrition and dietetics
Teaching and learning
Assessment and feedback
Resources and organisation
Student voice
Who studies this subject and how do they get on?
Most popular A-Levels studied (and grade achieved)
Food sciences
Teaching and learning
Assessment and feedback
Resources and organisation
Student voice
Who studies this subject and how do they get on?
Most popular A-Levels studied (and grade achieved)
After graduation
The stats in this section relate to the general subject area/s at this university – not this specific course. We show this where there isn't enough data about the course, or where this is the most detailed info available to us.
Nutrition and dietetics
What are graduates doing after six months?
This is what graduates told us they were doing (and earning), shortly after completing their course. We've crunched the numbers to show you if these immediate prospects are high, medium or low, compared to those studying this subject/s at other universities.
Top job areas of graduates
This is the subject you need to study if you want to become a dietician — an important job in the country’s healthcare sector, and the single most common job for nutrition graduates. We don’t have many graduates in nutrition every year and with the population becoming more aware of health and well-being and with many medical needs being addressed by the application of specific diets, this is likely to be an area of increasing demand in the future.
Sorry, no information to show
This is usually because there were too few respondents in the data we receive to be able to provide results about the subject at this university.
What about your long term prospects?
Looking further ahead, below is a rough guide for what graduates went on to earn.
Nutrition and dietetics
The graph shows median earnings of graduates who achieved a degree in this subject area one, three and five years after graduating from here.
Note: this data only looks at employees (and not those who are self-employed or also studying) and covers a broad sample of graduates and the various paths they've taken, which might not always be a direct result of their degree.
Sorry, no information to show
This is usually because there were too few respondents in the data we receive to be able to provide results about the subject at this university.
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This is what the university has told Ucas about the criteria they expect applicants to satisfy; some may be compulsory, others may be preferable.
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This is the percentage of applicants to this course who received an offer last year, through Ucas.
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This is what the university has told Ucas about the course. Use it to get a quick idea about what makes it unique compared to similar courses, elsewhere.
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Course location and department:
This is what the university has told Ucas about the course. Use it to get a quick idea about what makes it unique compared to similar courses, elsewhere.
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Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF):
We've received this information from the Department for Education, via Ucas. This is how the university as a whole has been rated for its quality of teaching: gold silver or bronze. Note, not all universities have taken part in the TEF.
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This information comes from the National Student Survey, an annual student survey of final-year students. You can use this to see how satisfied students studying this subject area at this university, are (not the individual course).
This is the percentage of final-year students at this university who were "definitely" or "mostly" satisfied with their course. We've analysed this figure against other universities so you can see whether this is high, medium or low.
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This information is from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), for undergraduate students only.
You can use this to get an idea of who you might share a lecture with and how they progressed in this subject, here. It's also worth comparing typical A-level subjects and grades students achieved with the current course entry requirements; similarities or differences here could indicate how flexible (or not) a university might be.
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Post-six month graduation stats:
This is from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, based on responses from graduates who studied the same subject area here.
It offers a snapshot of what grads went on to do six months later, what they were earning on average, and whether they felt their degree helped them obtain a 'graduate role'. We calculate a mean rating to indicate if this is high, medium or low compared to other universities.
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Graduate field commentary:
The Higher Education Careers Services Unit have provided some further context for all graduates in this subject area, including details that numbers alone might not show
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The Longitudinal Educational Outcomes dataset combines HRMC earnings data with student records from the Higher Education Statistics Agency.
While there are lots of factors at play when it comes to your future earnings, use this as a rough timeline of what graduates in this subject area were earning on average one, three and five years later. Can you see a steady increase in salary, or did grads need some experience under their belt before seeing a nice bump up in their pay packet?
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