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National Union of Students (NUS)

NUS is a confederation of 600 students' unions, amounting to more than 95 per cent of all higher and further education unions in the UK. Through its member students' unions, it represents the interests of more than seven million students.

NUS supports The Uni Guide as an independent source of information and advice for anyone considering higher education. The Uni Guide features descriptions of institutions from around 100 student unions and advice from NUS.

Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (Ucas)

Ucas is responsible for managing applications to higher education courses in the UK. It holds details of full-time and some part-time undergraduate courses provided by 280 universities and colleges. Our site features details from UCAS of approximately 30,000 undergraduate degrees of two years or more duration.

Higher Education Statistics Agency

HESA is the official source of information about students in higher education and it has provided data about the profile of students, the qualifications they achieve and their graduate employment destinations and salaries for use on The Uni Guide.

Higher Education Career Service Unit (HECSU)

HECSU is an independent research charity specialising in higher education and graduate employment and publisher of Graduate Prospects guides and website. It has provided graduate employment summaries featured on The Uni Guide.

Higher Education Liaison Officers Association (HELOA)

HELOA is the professional association of higher education staff. Its members provide guidance, information and outreach activities to prospective students, parents and guidance advisers across the UK. Members of HELOA have been on hand to provide expert advice to The Uni Guide team on a whole range of higher education issues.

Independent career guidance professionals

Much of the advice you’ll see on The Uni Guide has been researched and written by career guidance professionals, who spend day in, day out on the front line helping students making the right choices about their future. Special thanks to Andy Gardner, Alan Bullock, Janet Colledge and Gill Sharp.

Graduate Prospects

Graduate Prospects is a provider of careers advice and job opportunities for students and graduates, and is the commercial arm of HECSU. It has provided career prospect summaries featured on The Uni Guide subject pages.


SpareRoom is a nationwide property rental website commonly used by students looking for a room in a flatshare or houseshare. 

Official universities and colleges

As well as providing relevant content for their profiles (ie copy, images and key links), we will occasionally also work with specific staff and students at institutions on editorial content. 

Student contributors

We work with a number of student contributors to give an authentic student voice to relevant advice we produce, namely through guest editorials and video content.