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UCAS code: R84

The Royal Veterinary College is the largest and longest-established vet school in the English speaking world and is a college of the University of London. The College offers undergraduate, postgraduate and CPD programmes in veterinary medicine and veterinary nursing.
Source: Royal Veterinary College, University of London on Facebook

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How students describe this university

We asked more than 11,000 undergraduates to say how far they would describe their uni as having the following characteristics. We carry out this analysis where we have scores from at least 30 students. You can also see whether these ratings are high, medium or low compared to other universities.

Diverse local nightlife






Varied union activities









Vital stats

Sources: NSS, DLHE & HESA
% of graduates in work or further study 99% High
Average graduate salary £29.5k High
Student satisfaction score 78% Low

Number of students


students attended last year

Undergraduate / Postgraduate


of students are undergrads

Full-time / Part-time


of students are part-time

Male / Female


of students are male

Young / Mature


of students aged over 21

UK / Non-UK


of students here are from outside the UK

What students say about this university

80 comments (21 students)
    • School fees for international students are fairly high and increase by a small percentage annually. But college accommodation is very affordable, all bills included. Some students qualify for financial support, depending on the relevant scholarship/grant. Cost of groceries for one week is between £10-15. Since the campus is centrally located on the edge of Zone 1, public transport is very convenient and most venues are within walking distance.

      2024, 1st year student, Veterinary Medicine


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    • My tutor is very approachable and always respond to my emails in a timely way. There are 10-20 lecture hours weekly, with 2-3 independent learning programs and group work sessions. Communications with administration are slow throughout application process and during course time. There are 2-4 practical sessions a month, relating to the strand being taught that week, which is important in applying the knowledge irl. The university provides a lot of support for mental health and student wellbeing, always sending out surveys and interviewing study groups to improve constantly. The university also has a few grants and scholarships to help students financially, in addition to a program set up by the Student Union to provide staple kitchen items.

      2024, 1st year student, Veterinary Medicine


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    • Five stars: Excellent

      2024, 1st year student, Veterinary Medicine


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    • The advice centre is frequently advertised for students to seek counselling and help from. There are weekly wellbeing activities to reduce stress, as well as student success coaches to help students identify their best study plan.

      2024, 1st year student, Veterinary Medicine


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    • Good layout and support Interesting lectures staff Assignments are managed and provided with adequate time frame

      2024, 2nd year student, Biological Sciences


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    • From other students I hear the staff are really helpful. I have never used this yet.

      2024, 2nd year student, Biological Sciences


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