UCAS code: S75
We are a world-class institution with a thriving community spirit, renowned for its beautiful, inspiring and safe campus in the heart of Stirling, Scotland, UK. Stirling University offers one of the most picturesque campuses in the UK. The campus is home to a large number of students and has a real sense of community spirit. It has a high standard of teaching and offers a safe all-round learning experience for its students. Moreover we are Scotland's University for sporting excellence, and boast some of the finest facilities.
Source: University of Stirling Students' Union
Source: University of Stirling Students' Union
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View all coursesHow students describe this university
We asked more than 11,000 undergraduates to say how far they would describe their uni as having the following characteristics. We carry out this analysis where we have scores from at least 30 students. You can also see whether these ratings are high, medium or low compared to other universities.
Number of students
14,900students attended last year
Undergraduate / Postgraduate
61%of students are undergrads
Full-time / Part-time
4%of students are part-time
Male / Female
36%of students are male
Young / Mature
27%of students aged over 21
UK / Non-UK
18%of students here are from outside the UK
What students say about this university
97 comments (31 students)Explore more universities and colleges
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