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City Rural

UCAS code: O66

Oxford Brookes is one of the UK’s leading modern universities, located in an inspiring city where students make up 24% of the population. You’ll be joining an innovative, diverse community where you'll be supported to flourish and develop the skills you need to create your future.

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How students describe this university

We asked more than 11,000 undergraduates to say how far they would describe their uni as having the following characteristics. We carry out this analysis where we have scores from at least 30 students. You can also see whether these ratings are high, medium or low compared to other universities.

Diverse local nightlife



Varied union activities












Vital stats

Sources: NSS, DLHE & HESA
% of graduates in work or further study 97% Medium
Average graduate salary £22k Medium
Student satisfaction score 74% Low

Number of students


students attended last year

Undergraduate / Postgraduate


of students are undergrads

Full-time / Part-time


of students are part-time

Male / Female


of students are male

Young / Mature


of students aged over 21

UK / Non-UK


of students here are from outside the UK

What students say about this university

221 comments (67 students)
    • I was in private accommodation which was bought out by OBU so my accommodation was lovely. The of accommodation was run by unite though which there was separate problems. The library is very good. I wish there were more private study spaces though. But I can always manage to find a seat and study. The on-campus bars are very good and great for socialising.

      2024, 2nd year student, Law


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    • This is not reflective for next year and any other year in the future when we are at shiny new campus being built at the moment but at the minute our current site is a little old and OK but way past its prime time. Labs well stocked regardless and cafe has been redone so it’s still a nice place to work inside… mostly the outside which feels a little bleak at times!! Also travelling there from halls in Headington is annoying but buses regular and get you there quickly relatively speaking.

      2024, 1st year student, Computer And Information Security


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    • Good university, move to shiny new site next year but this year is OK but not amazing site wise as we prepare to move. The staff are very good and 12 hours of contact hours a week is a good amount I feel. Nightlife is amazing in Oxford…. Food isn’t cheap here but other than that a lovely city too. The main site in Headington is lovely and modern with a fantastic library study area. The Brooke’s union is a little underwhelming and at the start of the year there aren’t many societies, however as people create new ones, you end up joining throughout the year!

      2024, 1st year student, Computer And Information Security


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    • Pretty good but not had to use welfare services (fortunately)

      2024, 1st year student, Computer And Information Security


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    • Oxford is amazing a city and you are eligible for the Oxford Union if you go to Brooke’s so there are fantastic debates and speeches happening many days of the week and you meet incredible people. Nightclubs pretty good but can be limited availability on very popular nights!

      2024, 1st year student, Computer And Information Security


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    • It’s a wonderful university to study with good student support and inclusive as well

      2024, 1st year student, Business And Management


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