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Sporty City Campus Rural

UCAS code: B16

Bath is known for excellence in teaching and research, a great student experience, and providing outstanding preparation for the workplace. All our subject areas offer a placement, internship, or the option to study abroad.
Source: University of Bath website

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How students describe this university

We asked more than 11,000 undergraduates to say how far they would describe their uni as having the following characteristics. We carry out this analysis where we have scores from at least 30 students. You can also see whether these ratings are high, medium or low compared to other universities.

Diverse local nightlife









Varied union activities






Vital stats

Sources: NSS, DLHE & HESA
% of graduates in work or further study 96% Medium
Average graduate salary £26k High
Student satisfaction score 86% Low

Number of students


students attended last year

Undergraduate / Postgraduate


of students are undergrads

Full-time / Part-time


of students are part-time

Male / Female


of students are male

Young / Mature


of students aged over 21

UK / Non-UK


of students here are from outside the UK

What students say about this university

259 comments (68 students)
    • Not the best. I know other Unis give Ipads to those in some courses. But for Maths here they dont really have much. Although it isnt really needed for a course like Maths. We do have access to a library and computers I guess

      2024, 1st year student, Mathematics


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    • I got to know more people from my friends uni than here lol. The people here are nice but I guess my course has boring people. I am also an introvert if anyone is wandering.

      2024, 1st year student, Mathematics


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    • The timetable is structured well and isn't too busy. The content is interesting and engaging. The teaching and feedback is very good. The lectures and seminars are engaging.

      2024, 1st year student, Psychology


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    • The facilities are very good overall. My accommodation seems to be better than most however. Some accommodation could be improved, for instance having more kitchen facilities.

      2024, 1st year student, Psychology


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    • The university provides students with bursaries if needed, meaning no one should suffer with the cost of living.

      2024, 1st year student, Psychology


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    • There are many societies and clubs.the Student Union is very important at Bath.

      2024, 1st year student, Psychology


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