UCAS code: B38
Bishop Grosseteste University is located on a beautifully green and pleasant campus just a few minutes’ walk from Lincoln Cathedral, Castle and the old Roman city.
We’re set on a single-site campus, so just about everything you need is close by, whether it be your tutors, your friends, your lectures or the places in which you like to relax.
Our students are some of the happiest in the UK, which is incredibly important to us. We really care about our students and aim to support them all of the way through their studies, from application to graduation.
Source: Bishop Grosseteste University website
We’re set on a single-site campus, so just about everything you need is close by, whether it be your tutors, your friends, your lectures or the places in which you like to relax.
Our students are some of the happiest in the UK, which is incredibly important to us. We really care about our students and aim to support them all of the way through their studies, from application to graduation.
Source: Bishop Grosseteste University website
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We asked more than 11,000 undergraduates to say how far they would describe their uni as having the following characteristics. We carry out this analysis where we have scores from at least 30 students. You can also see whether these ratings are high, medium or low compared to other universities.
We’re sorry, we haven’t been able to speak to enough students get reliable descriptions of this institution yet.
Number of students
2,375students attended last year
Undergraduate / Postgraduate
69%of students are undergrads
Full-time / Part-time
0%of students are part-time
Male / Female
23%of students are male
Young / Mature
39%of students aged over 21
UK / Non-UK
2%of students here are from outside the UK
What students say about this university
2 comments (2 students)Explore more universities and colleges
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